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A multi-producer, single-consumer bounded queue implemented as a ring buffer.


InvalidCallDefect = object of Defect
Raised by Mupsic.push(), Mupmuc.push(), and Mupmuc.pop() because those should happen via Producer.push() or Consumer.pop().   Source   Edit
Mupsic[N; P; T] = object of Sipsic[N, T]
  prevProducerIdx*: Atomic[int] ## The ID (index) of the most recent producer
  producerTails*: array[P, Atomic[int]] ## Array of producer tails
  producerThreadIds*: array[P, Atomic[int]] ## \
                                            ## Array of producer thread IDs by index
A multi-producer, single-consumer bounded queue implemented as a ring buffer. Popping is wait-free.
  • N is the capacity of the queue.
  • P is the number of producer threads.
  • T is the type of data the queue will hold.
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NoProducersAvailableError = object of CatchableError
Raised by getProducer() if all producers have been assigned to other threads.   Source   Edit
Producer[N; P; T] = object
  idx*: int                  ## The producer's unique identifier.
  queue*: ptr Mupsic[N, P, T] ## A reference to the producer's queue.
A per-thread interface for pushing items to a queue. Retrieved via a call to Mupsic.getProducer()   Source   Edit


NoProducerIdx = -1
The initial value of Mupsic.prevProducerIdx.   Source   Edit


proc capacity[N, P: static int; T](self: var Mupsic[N, P, T]): int {.inline.}
Returns the queue's storage capacity (N).   Source   Edit
proc getProducer[N, P: static int; T](self: var Mupsic[N, P, T];
                                      idx: int = NoProducerIdx): Producer[N, P,
    T] {....raises: [NoProducersAvailableError].}
Assigns and returns a Producer instance for the current thread.   Source   Edit
proc initMupsic[N, P: static int; T](): Mupsic[N, P, T]
Initialize a new Mupsic queue.   Source   Edit
proc producerCount[N, P: static int; T](self: var Mupsic[N, P, T]): int {.inline.}
Returns the queue's number of producers (P).   Source   Edit
proc push[N, P: static int; T](self: Producer[N, P, T]; item: T): bool
Append a single item to the queue. If the queue is full, false is returned. If item is appended, true is returned.   Source   Edit
proc push[N, P: static int; T](self: Producer[N, P, T]; items: openArray[T]): Option[
    HSlice[int, int]]
Append multiple items to the queue. If the queue is already full or is filled by this call, some(unpushed) is returned, where unpushed is an HSlice corresponding to the chunk of items which could not be pushed. If all items are appended, none(HSlice[int, int]) is returned.   Source   Edit
proc push[N, P: static int; T](self: var Mupsic[N, P, T]; item: T): bool
Overload of Sipsic.push() that simply raises InvalidCallDefect. Pushes should happen via Producer.push().   Source   Edit
proc push[N, P: static int; T](self: var Mupsic[N, P, T]; items: openArray[T]): Option[
    HSlice[int, int]]
Overload of Sipsic.push() that simply raises InvalidCallDefect. Pushes should happen via Producer.push().   Source   Edit