A single-producer, single-consumer bounded queue implemented as a ring buffer.
Sipsic[N; T] = object of RootObj head* {.align: 64.}: Atomic[int] tail* {.align: 64.}: Atomic[int] storage*: array[N, T] ## The underlying storage.
A single-producer, single-consumer bounded queue implemented as a ring buffer. Pushing and popping are both wait-free.
- N is the capacity of the queue.
- T is the type of data the queue will hold.
head and tail are aligned on different cache lines to prevent thrashing, since reads/writes to each will be on different threads.
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proc initSipsic[N: static int; T](): Sipsic[N, T]
- Initialize a new Sipsic queue. Source Edit
proc push[N: static int; T](self: var Sipsic[N, T]; item: T): bool
- Append a single item to the queue. If the queue is full, false is returned. If item is appended, true is returned. Source Edit
proc push[N: static int; T](self: var Sipsic[N, T]; items: openArray[T]): Option[ HSlice[int, int]]
- Append multiple items to the queue. If the queue is already full or is filled by this call, some(unpushed) is returned, where unpushed is an HSlice corresponding to the chunk of items which could not be pushed. If all items are appended, NoSlice is returned. Source Edit