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A multi-producer, multi-consumer bounded queue implemented as a ring buffer.


Consumer[N; P; C; T] = object
  idx*: int                  ## The consumer's unique identifier.
  queue*: ptr Mupmuc[N, P, C, T] ## A reference to the consumer's queue.
A per-thread interface for popping items from a queue. Retrieved via a call to Mupmuc.getConsumer()   Source   Edit
Mupmuc[N; P; C; T] = object of Mupsic[N, P, T]
  prevConsumerIdx*: Atomic[int] ## The ID (index) of the most recent consumer
  consumerHeads*: array[C, Atomic[int]] ## Array of consumer heads
  consumerThreadIds*: array[C, Atomic[int]] ## \
                                            ## Array of consumer thread IDs by index
A multi-producer, multi-consumer bounded queue implemented as a ring buffer.
  • N is the capacity of the queue.
  • P is the number of producer threads.
  • C is the number of consumer threads.
  • T is the type of data the queue will hold.
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NoConsumersAvailableError = object of CatchableError
Raised by getConsumer() if all consumers have been assigned to other threads.   Source   Edit


NoConsumerIdx = -1
The initial value of Mupmuc.prevConsumerIdx.   Source   Edit


proc consumerCount[N, P, C: static int; T](self: var Mupmuc[N, P, C, T]): int {.
Returns the queue's number of consumers (C).   Source   Edit
proc getConsumer[N, P, C: static int; T](self: var Mupmuc[N, P, C, T];
    idx: int = NoConsumerIdx): Consumer[N, P, C, T] {.
    ...raises: [NoConsumersAvailableError].}
Assigns and returns a Consumer instance for the current thread.   Source   Edit
proc initMupmuc[N, P, C: static int; T](): Mupmuc[N, P, C, T]
Initialize a new Mupmuc queue.   Source   Edit
proc pop[N, P, C: static int; T](self: Consumer[N, P, C, T]): Option[T]
Pop a single item from the queue. If the queue is empty, none(T) is returned. Otherwise an item is popped, some(T) is returned.   Source   Edit
proc pop[N, P, C: static int; T](self: Consumer[N, P, C, T]; count: int): Option[
Pop count items from the queue. If the queue is empty, none(seq[T]) is returned. Otherwise some(seq[T]) is returned containing at least one item.   Source   Edit
proc pop[N, P, C: static int; T](self: var Mupmuc[N, P, C, T]): bool
Overload of Sipsic.pop() that simply raises InvalidCallDefect. Pops should happen via Consumer.pop().   Source   Edit
proc pop[N, P, C: static int; T](self: var Mupmuc[N, P, C, T]; count: int): Option[
Overload of Sipsic.pop() that simply raises InvalidCallDefect. Pops should happen via Consumer.pop().   Source   Edit